Bluescreen Bouncing Castle
Video Live Performance, With: Leo Merz. Special Tag: Making Ideas Tangible
A - Laptop Roglok (Background Pics and Movies)
B - Laptop M-Boy (Background Pics and Movies)
M - Analog Video Mixer with great effects and keying mode
S1 - Preview Screen for Jumpers
S2 - Our Preview Screen
C - Camera
On our Hyperground Acid Rave Party at Rocker 33 (Stuttgart) we set up this nice installation: Just borrowed a cool bouncing castle, a big red drapery (actually redscreen bouncing castle) and a lot of video stuff (see below). By keying out the bouncers, we could put them (live) into another backgournd/scene/world. They could watch themselves on a monitor jumping through explosions, starfields, over mountains,... The performance was broadcasted to the dancefloor where it was animating people to freak out. Big Time! Legendary!