Bluescreen Bouncing Castle
Video Live Performance, With: Leo Merz. Special Tag: Making Ideas Tangible

A - Laptop Roglok (Background Pics and Movies)
B - Laptop M-Boy (Background Pics and Movies)
M - Analog Video Mixer with great effects and keying mode
S1 - Preview Screen for Jumpers
S2 - Our Preview Screen
C - Camera
On our Hyperground Acid Rave Party at Rocker 33 (Stuttgart) we set up this nice installation: Just borrowed a cool bouncing castle, a big red drapery (actually redscreen bouncing castle) and a lot of video stuff (see below). By keying out the bouncers, we could put them (live) into another backgournd/scene/world. They could watch themselves on a monitor jumping through explosions, starfields, over mountains,... The performance was broadcasted to the dancefloor where it was animating people to freak out. Big Time! Legendary!
Feat. Overdosie Rosi, Tracky Birthday, Roglok Eisenherz, M-Boy Bohlen, Hasi International, Bobby Air, Gün, drx, the mystic man in the black dress and many more. Music by Roglok.